When I say that i've been obsessed with cameras since I was young, just those words alone don't do the passion justice. So much of my life has been spent in the pursuit of preserving memories of people, places, and things I don't want to forget. Sure, that pink camera you see me clutching in the photo below took far too many images of my barbies, "wasting" countless rolls of actual film, before graduating to digital  portraits... but you get the point.

So much of my time in this life was spent feeling inadequate, but in recent years that has changed drastically.

I became a mother to two wild, strong boys who are both mirrors reflecting back to me everything I both love and feel insecure about myself. Raising them to love themselves, to give love to others, and to be the kindness we desperately need to see in this world, has changed the way I speak to myself. All along I just needed to feel unconditional love and that planted the seeds for an abundance of strength within me. Those seeds then grew into a new purpose.

I also faced breast cancer when my sons were one and five years old, which further intensified the strength within me. I discovered a level of fear and pain that I could never have imagined. Like all the hardest tests we face it took its tolls, and will always take them for the rest of my days, but the experience was also my greatest teacher. It shone a light on the things in life I needed to let go of; things that no longer serve me. It then steered me in the direction of the that which brings me joy.

This past year I have been shifting gears from the anything & everything style of photography and sprinting toward boudoir because I absolutely love it! I have built a fun and safe space to be creative and empower others to find their love of self, clarity, and strength.

For a long time I wanted so badly to be a photographer that I shot anything asked of me, but it never fully felt authentic... until I discovered boudoir. Even then it took me a long time to feel confident enough in my own skin, to feel capable of helping other women channel that same level of self-love.